LightCMS for Designers

LightCMS for Designers

  After you have signed up for a free account at, the first thing you will want to do is login to your new site. When you sign up, you choose the name of your site, and will start off being You can always decide to use a custom domain name whenever you are ready. To login, simply type "/login" at the end of your URL, and enter your user name/password credentials. The user name will be the email address you inserted upon sign up. When it's time to add another website, don't create a new account, but add the site through your account settings. This way you can manage all your sites with one login. Now, it's time to familiarize yourself with the graphical user interface and…
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Zoloft Side Effects I Have Experienced

  Zoloft is a miracle drug to some, offering an escape from anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, depressive disorder, and panic disorder. I have personally been taking Zoloft for ten years. A little longer than the time I have been using my skin care product I bought with the help of vitamin c serum for face reviews. I am very happy with Zoloft, but Zoloft does have side effects. It is really up to you to determine if these side effects outweigh the benefits of taking Zoloft. One side effect that I have suffered from since I have been on Zoloft is excessive sweating. I know this is not something that you want to hear, but Zoloft does make you sweat more then you normally do. This is easily countered by dressing…
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Web Standards, Semantic Markup and Cross-Browser Compatibility

I have been in the web design field for over eight years of my life now, and only recently has the importance of web semantics presented itself to me. If you have ever cruised around the blogosphere, or the teen blogging realm of the internet, you may have seen things like "Valid XHTML" and/or "Valid CSS". These terms are applied when a web developer takes accessability and following web standards into consideration. At the forefront of validation and web semantics is, or the World Wide Web Consortium. This website recommends using valid, semantic markup to ensure cross-browser compatibility, as well as the accessibility factor of websites. W3C does not, however, create these rules and standards. That is the job of ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. Let's say that…
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5 Simple tips to follow for Normal Delivery

5 Simple tips to follow for Normal Delivery

Normal Delivery
A lot of things are changing in the recent times. We are living in a time where the natural and simple things seem complex and confusing. We are not wondering as to how fruits are genetically altered, but our jaws drop when we see a person looking after his own garden. I can stack this page with a lot of similar examples. The same is the case with pregnancy. Earlier people used to wonder if the issue wasn’t a normal delivery, but these days issues in pregnancy have become quite common, and technology in the field of medicine has gone to the extent of finding alternative treatments instead of finding means to uproot such issues. But still, we haven’t lost hope. Certain health care tips can prevent a pregnant woman…
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5 Health tips that all Pregnant Women should know

5 Health tips that all Pregnant Women should know

Health tips
Food is a major factor that determines the health of a woman when she is pregnant. Pregnant women are more than often advised to have an eye on their eating habits as it can have an impact on both mother and the baby. What the child has to receive is sent through the mother's umbilical cord, and it is important that a woman doubly ensures what she is about to consume especially during her pregnancy. In case if you are expecting your baby and came here looking for some tips, then you are at the right place. These are the 5 simple things that you should have in mind during your pregnancy. Make a list of what you shouldn’t eat: A pregnant woman should always have a list of do’s…
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How to Hire Professional PR Help

Do you need high quality and expensive PR help? Or do you need something basic, because most of the work you can on your own? These are some of the question you need to ask yourself before you go and solicit help from PR companies. Here is a list of dos and don't's you can follow while selecting PR help: Do use an agency if you feel like you need some real professional help and have the budget to do get some PR help. Do consider using an agency if you spend more than $3000 a month on PR ventures. This money will go a long way with a professional PR company. You will really be getting your money's worth while saving you time to do other things. Do not…
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What Do Lions Eat?

Lions are carnivores They eat many different kinds of animals, known as prey. Lions can eat a lot! Male lions eat an average of 7 kg of food per day and lionesses eat 4.5 kg. Both can eat up to 15% of their body weight during just one meal. For a male, that's the same as 70 cans of cat food! Lions are known to be greedy and hunt animals even when they are not hungry. When a lion tucks into a juicy zebra and another animal comes near, he often forgets that it will be killed in his zeal to catch more food.Lions can't run very fast. With a top speed of 60 kilometers per hour, they are quite slow compared to the 97 km / h of a…
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Where Do Snow Leopards Live?

Snow leopards have evolved to live in the harshest conditions on earth. They scale the large, steep slopes of mountains in Central Asia with ease, blending into the landscape. But these majestic and elusive cats face many threats, including habitat loss and degradation from climate change and human encroachment, retaliatory killings due to human-animal conflict, reduced prey, and poaching. WWF is working to reduce human-wildlife conflict, increase anti-poaching efforts, and protect fragile snow leopard habitat. Here's a look at what you should know about the species: Where do snow leopards live? Snow leopards live in a vast area in the high mountains of northern and central Asia, including the Himalayan region. In the Himalayas, snow leopards live in high alpine areas, usually above the tree line and up to 18,000…
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Where Do Lions Live?

Lion (Panthera leo), large, powerfully built cat (family Felidae), second only to the tiger. The proverbial "king of beasts," the lion has been one of the most famous wild animals since earliest times. Lions are most active at night and live in a variety of habitats, but prefer grassland, savanna, dense scrub and open forest. Historically, they ranged throughout much of Europe, Asia, and Africa, but are now found primarily in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. An isolated population of about 650 Asiatic lions forms a somewhat smaller breed that lives under strict protection in India's Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary. The lion is a well-muscled cat with a long body, large head and short legs. Size and appearance vary considerably between the sexes. The prominent feature of the male…
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How Fast Are Cheetahs

Cheetahs-the fastest land mammals in the world-are incredible creatures. They can reach speeds of up to 70 mph and swim (although they don't like it). The cheetahs' name derives from the Hindi word "chita," which means "spotted.''These large cats, while fearsome, do not have the ability to roar like a lion, but they can emit what is known as a chirrup, perhaps the sweetest sound you will ever hear a lethal cat make. Cheetahs are an endangered species These cats are not endangered-not yet. But they are vulnerable. In fact, their numbers in the wild are so low (they numbered about 7,100 in 2016) that people involved in species conservation are pushing for them to be declared endangered.National Geographic reported that cheetah numbers "could drop another 53 percent in the…
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