Five Things to Do Right Now to Redesign Any Room for Almost Free


With Spring being all the buzz and Spring cleaning being on the top of everyone’s list, don’t you think a little revamping is in order? I love opening windows and playing around with a room for a whole day. It’s quite rewarding to get a whole new look and feel on the cheap! Here are some tips to get you started.
1.) Empty the room of everything small, and if you can handle it, the furniture too.

Cleaning out a room completely will give you an instant new perspective as what the room could be. When filled with your things, it’s hard to see the potential it’s hiding. It’s also a good chance to scope out if you really love your wall color, fan selection, and window dressing. When you bring the stuff back in your room, play with new layouts. Make sure not to block windows, and the sun really does something special to a room.

2.) Take home paint samples, and play with them!

We all know paint is the cheapest way to transform any room (furniture, floors, wooden dinnerware, and fireplaces for that matter!). I don’t know about you but I get excited when I am at the hardware store in the paint section. I am little a little kid collecting shiny new jewels every time I pass by the paint samples, and it’s served me well. It’s always good to have the samples on hand, but it’s even better when you can envision them up on your wall. It’s free. It’s fun. And it will motivate you to change things up!

3.) Make some art

We are FAR from artists in this house. I am not going to lie, I am a fine arts major switched to marketing because I had a professor tell me I was so bad at it. Dreadful, I know. So then, how do I make “art”? Easy! I don’t need to be Picasso to make something pretty I love. We are big on shadow boxes, found object art, doily lamps, and photography in this house.

4.) Let the light in
Ohhhh. My fave. Sunshine all the time! Can you tell I’m a Florida girl? A sun-filled room is a glorious room as far as I am concerned. If you have small windows or big windows, it doesn’t matter – let the light in.

5.) Go shopping in your other rooms
I love to shop. And I even have fun shopping in my own home. One thing I like to do is pull a bunch of stuff from a variety of rooms that hold a common feel or theme and use those things to decorate a whole room. It cuts the clutter down, and gives new life to already loved objects.

Pretty easy, right? We really do love “shopping” from our other rooms. It’s probably our favorite thing to do when we don’t feel like spending cash. For more home improvement tips and how to’s, come say “hi!” at!

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